Admissions Process

Admissions Process

Schedule a Visit for Your Child

We invite your children to come spend some time in one of our classrooms. They will have a chance to meet the teachers and other students, as well as explore the classroom environment. Our teachers will have an opportunity to work with your child and learn more about their interests. The amount of time spent in the classroom will vary, depending on your child’s age and comfort level.
Schedule a Tour

Are you interested in applying to our school? We look forward to meeting you and getting to know your child! These steps will walk you through the process: 

Contact Our Admissions Desk

It’s never too early to begin the application process. Contact the school via phone or email. Your first conversation will be a chance to let us know how old your child is and what program you are interested in applying for. We will invite both parents to schedule a visit to the school so that both may tour the campus and see in person what we have to offer.

Submit a Completed Application

Our application forms are more detailed than the initial inquiry questions asked as it lets us know more about your child. This is a mandatory prerequisite in the admission process, as we get to know you and you get to know us.

Secure Your Child’s Space

If your child is accepted to our school, we require that you send a 20% deposit in order to secure their enrollment. Payment must be received within two weeks of notice of acceptance, and will be applied toward your child’s tuition.

Join the Community!

Find out what it means to be a part of our community. Connect with us on social media to find out about events and to learn even more about what we have to offer.
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